Monday, October 29, 2012

The Haunted Carnival

 This year I thought it would be fun to have a haunted carnival for our annual church Halloween party. So, I decided to dress up some skeletons in some simple costumes and use them as carnival performers. I made two trapeze artists and one tight rope walker. You can find lots of information on the interwebs on how to make something like this. It's a bit of work, but it looks pretty awesome once it is set up. 
 I wanted to stick with the carnival theme for the food, so we served hot dogs, popcorn and caramel apples. For the drink I just made some red punch from a fruit punch soft drink and some ginger ale. I then added some dry ice so the punch was bubbling like a witch's brew. 
The whole space was decorated with lights and we set up some game booths with candy for prizes.  Sadly, I didn't take any pictures of the booths, but we had a coin toss, haunted bowling, a ghost hunt  and a fishing booth. We also had a fog machine which ended up setting off the fire alarm -oops. Other than that, the party went off without a hitch. By the time the party started, the room really did look like a carnival. It was so much fun.  And I want to give a shout out to all the people who helped to set up and take all of the decorations down, thank you, it was a huge help!